ROAPI Documentation

Project repository

ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs and query frontends for slowly moving datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code. It builds on top of Apache Arrow and Datafusion. The core of its design can be boiled down to the following:

  • Query frontends to translate SQL, GraphQL and REST API queries into Datafusion plans.
  • Datafusion for query plan execution.
  • Data layer to load datasets from a variety of sources and formats with automatic schema inference.
  • Response encoding layer to serialize intermediate Arrow record batch into various formats requested by client.

Its pluggable query core design makes it possible for users to efficiently perform join queries across a diverse set of datasources from simple CSV/Parquet files in Data warehouses, to MySQL/Postgres, to SASS like Google spreadsheet.

See below for a high level design diagram:


If you'd like to share feedback on how you're using ROAPI, please fill out this survey. Thanks!


Pre-built binary

Platform specific pre-built binaries for each release are hosted on our Github release page.

You can download and install them with a single command using pip:

pip install roapi

If you are using homebrew, you can also install using brew command:

brew install roapi
# notice that the binary itself is still roapi-http


Pre-built docker images are hosted at

Build from source

You need to install Rust toolchain if you haven't done so.

cargo install --locked --git --branch main --bins roapi

Quick start

Spin up APIs for test_data/uk_cities_with_headers.csv and test_data/spacex-launches.json:

roapi \
    --table "uk_cities=test_data/uk_cities_with_headers.csv" \
    --table "test_data/spacex_launches.json"

Or using prebuilt docker image:

docker run -t --rm -p 8080:8080 --addr-http \
    --table "uk_cities=test_data/uk_cities_with_headers.csv" \
    --table "test_data/spacex_launches.json"

Query API

Query tables using SQL, GraphQL or REST:

curl -X POST -d "SELECT city, lat, lng FROM uk_cities LIMIT 2" localhost:8080/api/sql
curl -X POST -d "query { uk_cities(limit: 2) {city, lat, lng} }" localhost:8080/api/graphql
curl "localhost:8080/api/tables/uk_cities?columns=city,lat,lng&limit=2"

Sample response:

    "city": "Elgin, Scotland, the UK",
    "lat": 57.653484,
    "lng": -3.335724
    "city": "Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, the UK",
    "lat": 53.002666,
    "lng": -2.179404

See Query frontends for details on different operators supported by each frontend.

Schema API

Get inferred schema for all tables:

curl localhost:8080/api/schema

Sample response:

  "uk_cities": {
    "fields": [
        "name": "city",
        "data_type": "Utf8",
        "nullable": false,
        "dict_id": 0,
        "dict_is_ordered": false
        "name": "lat",
        "data_type": "Float64",
        "nullable": false,
        "dict_id": 0,
        "dict_is_ordered": false
        "name": "lng",
        "data_type": "Float64",
        "nullable": false,
        "dict_id": 0,
        "dict_is_ordered": false


Command line argument

You can configure ROAPI to load as many tables as you want by repeating the --table argument:

roapi --table 'table1_name=table1_uri' --table 'table2_name=table2_uri'

You can use RUST_LOG environment variable to control the logging verbosity:

RUST_LOG=debug roapi ...

Here is the output from roapi --help:

roapi 0.7.1
QP Hou
Create full-fledged APIs for static datasets without writing a single line of code.

    roapi [OPTIONS]

    -a, --addr-http <IP:PORT>
            HTTP endpoint bind address

    -c, --config <config>
            config file path

    -d, --disable-read-only
            Start roapi in read write mode

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -p, --addr-postgres <IP:PORT>
            Postgres endpoint bind address

    -t, --table <[table_name=]uri[,option_key=option_value]>
            Table sources to load. Table option can be provided as optional setting as part of the
            table URI, for example: `blogs=s3://bucket/key,format=delta`. Set table uri to `stdin`
            if you want to consume table data from stdin as part of a UNIX pipe. If no table_name is
            provided, a table name will be derived from the filename in URI.

    -V, --version
            Print version information

YAML config


You can configure multiple table sources using YAML config, which supports more advanced format specific table options. For example:

  # binding address for TCP port that speaks HTTP protocol
  # binding address for TCP port that speaks Postgres wire protocol
  - name: "blogs"
    uri: "test_data/blogs.parquet"

  - name: "ubuntu_ami"
    uri: "test_data/ubuntu-ami.json"
      format: "json"
      pointer: "/aaData"
      array_encoded: true
        - name: "zone"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "name"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "version"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "arch"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "instance_type"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "release"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "ami_id"
          data_type: "Utf8"
        - name: "aki_id"
          data_type: "Utf8"

  - name: "spacex_launches"
    uri: ""
      format: "json"

  - name: "github_jobs"
    uri: ""

Key value stores

Table sources can be loaded into in-memory key value stores if you specify which two columns to be used to load keys and values in the config:

  - name: "spacex_launch_name"
    uri: "test_data/spacex_launches.json"
    key: id
    value: name

The above config will create a keyvalue store named spacex_launch_name that allows you to lookup SpaceX launch names using launch ids.

Specify a config file on startup

Use -c argument to run ROAPI using a specific config file:

roapi -c ./roapi.yml

Dataset formats


When a table uri ends in .json, ROAPI will try to load it as JSON table if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"

Filter by JSON pointer

Sometimes the JSON array you want to serve might be stored inside a JSON object. To support this use-case, ROAPI supports loading JSON using a JSON pointer.

Take the following JSON data as an example:

    "x": {
        "y": [{"col1": "z"}, {"col1": "zz"}]

In order to only serve [{"col1": "z"}, {"col1": "zz"}] through ROAPI, you can configure the JSON table source as:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"
      format: "json"
      pointer: "/x/y"

Array encoding

Each row in JSON data can be encoded using array for size reduction. This convention allows us to avoid repeating column names in every row.

For example:

    {"col1": 1, "col2": "abc"},
    {"col1": 2, "col2": "efg"}

Can be stored as:

    [1, "abc"],
    [2, "efg"]

However, when loading JSON rows using array encoding, you must explicitly specify the schema, since there is no column name in the datasource anymore for ROAPI to perform the schema inference.

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"
      format: "json"
      array_encoded: true
        - name: "col1"
          data_type: "Int64"
        - name: "col2"
          data_type: "Utf8"


When a table uri ends in .parquet, ROAPI will try to load it as Parquet table if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.parquet"

You can partition a Parquet dataset into multiple partitions and load all of them into a single table by directory path:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "./table_dir"
      format: "parquet"

Large Datasets

ROAPI loads the entire table into memory as the default behavior. If your table is large or you want to avoid loading all data during startup, you can set an additional option use_memory_table: false (default: true). With that configuration, ROAPI will not copy the data into memory, but instructs datafusion to directly operate on the backing storage.

At the moment, this comes with the following limitations:

  1. no nested schema: datafusion#83
  2. missing support for cloud storage: datafusion#616


  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "./table_dir"
      format: "parquet"
      use_memory_table: false

Note that when providing use_memory_table option, it becomes necessary to also specify the format.


When a table uri ends in .csv, ROAPI will try to load it as CSV table if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.csv"

You can partition a CSV dataset into multiple partitions and load all of them into a single table by directory path:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "./table_dir"
      format: "csv"

Google spreadsheet

To serve a Google spreadsheet as API, you need to gather the following config values:

  • Google spreadsheet URL, usually in the form of{SPREADSHEET_ID}#gid={SHEET_ID}.
  • (Optional) Google spreadsheet sheet title (bottom of the spreadsheet UI). This is required if SHEET_ID is not specified in URL through #gid.
  • Google spreadsheet service account secret key.

Here are the steps to configure the service account:

  1. Activate Google Sheets API in the Google API Console.
  2. Create a service account:
  3. Go into service account setting, click ADD KEY -> Create new key. Then select JSON format and save it somewhere safe as a file. gsheet-add-key
  4. Copy email address for your newly created service account, usually in the format of {ACCOUNT_NAME}@{PROJECT_ID} gsheet-service-account-email
  5. Open the Google spreadsheet that you want to serve, then share it with the newly created service account using the service account email. gsheet-share-service-account

Now you can configure ROAPI to load the google spreadsheet into a table using:

  - name: "table_name"
    uri: ""
      format: "google_spreadsheet"
      application_secret_path: "path/to/service_account_key.json"
      # sheet_title is optional if `#gid` is specified in uri
      sheet_title: "sheet_name_within_google_spreadsheet"

ROAPI only invokes Google Sheets API during the initial data load, subsequent query requests are served using in memory data.


Here is what it looks like to serve this public google spreadsheet with ROAPI.

Start server:

$ roapi -c local.yaml
[2022-05-31T01:07:55Z INFO  roapi::context] loading `uri(` as table `properties`
[2022-05-31T01:07:56Z INFO  roapi::context] registered `uri(` as table `properties`
[2022-05-31T01:07:56Z INFO  roapi::startup] 🚀 Listening on for Postgres traffic...
[2022-05-31T01:07:56Z INFO  roapi::startup] 🚀 Listening on for HTTP traffic...

Query through Postgres wire protocol:

$ psql -h
psql (12.10 (Ubuntu 12.10-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 13)
WARNING: psql major version 12, server major version 13.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

houqp=> select "Address", "Bed", "Bath", "Occupied" from properties;
     Address      | Bed | Bath | Occupied
 Bothell, WA      |   3 |    2 | f
 Lynnwood, WA     |   2 |    1 | f
 Kirkland, WA     |   4 |    2 | f
 Kent, WA         |   3 |    2 | f
 Mount Vernon, WA |   2 |    1 | f
 Seattle, WA      |   3 |    1 | f
 Seattle, WA      |   2 |    1 | f
 Shoreline, WA    |   1 |    1 | f
 Bellevue, WA     |   3 |    1 | f
 Renton, WA       |   4 |    2 | f
 Woodinville, WA  |   3 |    3 | f
 Kenmore, WA      |   4 |    3 | f
 Fremont, WA      |   5 |    3 | f
 Redmond, WA      |   2 |    2 | f
 Mill Creek, WA   |   3 |    3 | f
(15 rows)

Query with aggregation using HTTP SQL frontend:

$ curl -s -X POST localhost:8080/api/sql --data-binary @- <<EOF | jq
SELECT DISTINCT("Landlord"), COUNT("Address")
FROM properties
GROUP BY "Landlord"

    "Landlord": "Carl",
    "COUNT(properties.Address)": 3
    "Landlord": "Roger",
    "COUNT(properties.Address)": 3
    "Landlord": "Mike",
    "COUNT(properties.Address)": 4
    "Landlord": "Sam",
    "COUNT(properties.Address)": 2
    "Landlord": "Daniel",
    "COUNT(properties.Address)": 3

Query with filter using HTTP GraphQL frontend:

$ curl -s -X POST localhost:8080/api/graphql --data-binary @- <<EOF | jq
query {
    filter: {
      Bed: { gt: 3 }
      Bath: { gte: 3 }
    sort: [
      { field: "Bed", order: "desc" }
  ) {
    "Address": "Fremont, WA",
    "Bed": 5,
    "Bath": 3,
    "Monthly_Rent": "$4,500"
    "Address": "Kenmore, WA",
    "Bed": 4,
    "Bath": 3,
    "Monthly_Rent": "$4,000"

Note: when inferring table schema from Google spreadsheets, ROAPI automatically replaces spaces in column names with _(underscore).


NDJSON stands for Newline delimited JSON. It is a convenient format for storing or streaming structured data that may be processed one record at a time.

When a table uri ends in .ndjson, ROAPI will try to load it as NDJSON table if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.ndjson"

Delta Lake

ROAPI supports loading Delta tables from Delta Lake through delta-rs. Since a Delta table doesn't have an extension suffix, ROAPI cannot infer table format from table URI alone. Therefore, the format option needs to be set to delta explicitly for Delta table sources:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "s3://bucket/delta_table/path"
      format: "delta"

Large Datasets

ROAPI loads the entire table into memory as the default behavior. If your table is large or you want to avoid loading all data during startup, you can set an additional option use_memory_table: false (default: true). With that configuration, ROAPI will not copy the data into memory, but instructs datafusion to directly operate on the backing storage.

At the moment, this comes with the following limitations:

  1. no nested schema: datafusion#83
  2. missing support for cloud storage: datafusion#616


  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "./path/to/delta_table"
      format: "delta"
      use_memory_table: false

Note that when providing use_memory_table option, it becomes necessary to also specify the format.


When a table uri ends in .arrow or .arrows, ROAPI will try to load it as Arrow IPC file or stream if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.arrow" # or .arrows

You can partition an Arrow dataset into multiple partitions and load all of them into a single table by directory path:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "./table_dir"
      format: "arrow" # or arrows

MS Excel compatible formats.

ROAPI supports loading a few Microsoft Excel compatible formats like xls, xlsx, xlsb, ods.


To load MS Excel compatible files the config should be specified like:

    - name: "<table name>"
      uri: "<files path>"
        format: "<file format>"
        sheet_name: "Sheet1"
        rows_range_start: 2
        rows_range_end: 5
        columns_range_start: 1
        columns_range_end: 6
        schema_inference_lines: 3
  • format - name of file format. Currently supported files format:
    • xls (Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook)
    • xlsx (Excel Workbook)
    • xlsb (Excel Binary Workbook)
    • ods (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)
  • sheet_name - the name of the spread sheet with table data. By default, most files initially use Sheet1 as the sheet_name. Be sure to change this sheet_name as needed if your spreadsheet uses a different name. xlsx_sheet_name If no sheet_name is specified, ROAPI will use first spreadsheet.
  • Table range options
    • rows_range_start - the first row of the table. It contains column names. By default, rows_range_start is 0 (the first raw in spreadsheet)
    • rows_range_end - the last row of the table. By default, ROAPI reads all data.
    • columns_range_start - the column of the table. By default, columns_range_start is 0 (first column in spreadsheet)
    • columns_range_end - the last column of the table. By default, ROAPI reads all columns.
      For example, to take only selected data: spread_sheet_range the config file looks like:
    - name: "<table name>"
      uri: "<files path>"
        format: "<file format>"
        sheet_name: "Sheet1"
        rows_range_start: 1
        rows_range_end: 4
        columns_range_start: 1
        columns_range_end: 3
  • schema_inference_lines - the number of rows (inside table range) to use in schema inference. This number includes the row with column names, so, for example, schema_inference_lines: 3 means ROAPI will use first row for column names inference and 2 rows for column types inference. If this option is not specified then ROAPI reads all rows for column data types inference.

Schema inference.

ROAPI can infer schema of data automatically. The first row of data range is a row with column names. After column names inference ROAPI will infer data types by scanning all remaining rows or limited number of rows specified in schema_inference_lines option. If column contains more than one data type (for exaple, float and int) then ROAPI use Utf8 datatype.

Also, it is possible to specify schema in configuration file. This allows to avoid schema inference from data and loading of table will be faster.

    - name: "excel_table"
      uri: "path/to/file.xlsx"
        format: "xlsx"
        - name: "int_column"
          data_type: "Int64"
          nullable: true
        - name: "string_column"
          data_type: "Utf8"
          nullable: true
        - name: "float_column"
          data_type: "Float64"
          nullable: true
        - name: "datetime_column"
          data_type: !Timestamp [Seconds, null]
          nullable: true
        - name: "duration_column"
          data_type: !Duration Second
          nullable: true
        - name: "date32_column"
          data_type: Date32
          nullable: true
        - name: "date64_column"
          data_type: Date64
          nullable: true
        - name: "null_column"
          data_type: Null
          nullable: true

Blob store

ROAPI currently supports the following blob storages:

  • Filesystem
  • S3
  • GCS
  • Azure Storage


Filesystem store can be specified using file: or filesystem: schemes. In a Windows environment, the scheme is mandatory. On Unix systems, a uri without a scheme prefix is treated as filesystem backed data source by ROAPI.

For example, to serve a local parquet file test_data/blogs.parquet, you can just set the uri to the file path:

  - name: "blogs"
    uri: "test_data/blogs.parquet"

Filesystem store supports loading partitioned tables. In other words, you can split up the table into mulitple files and load all of them into a single table by setting uri to the directory path. When loading a partitioned dataset, you will need to manually specify table format since the uri will not contain table format as a suffix:

  - name: "blogs"
    uri: "test_data/blogs/"
        format: "parquet"


ROAPI can build tables from datasets served through HTTP protocols. However, one thing to keep in mind is HTTP store doesn't support partitioned datasets because there is no native directory listing support in the HTTP protocol.

To set custom headers for HTTP requests, you can use the headers io option:

  - name: "TABLE_NAME"
    uri: "http://BUCKET/TABLE/KEY.csv"
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        Authorization: 'Bearer TOKEN'


ROAPI can build tables from datasets hosted in S3 buckets. Configuration is similar to filesystem store:

  - name: "TABLE_NAME"
    uri: "s3://BUCKET/TABLE/KEY"
        format: "csv"

To configure S3 credentials, you can set the following environment variables:

  • AWS_ENDPOINT_URL: The endpoint URL for your S3 provider
  • AWS_REGION: The region where your S3 bucket is located
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret access key from your S3 provider
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The access key ID from your S3 provider


ROAPI can build tables from datasets hosted in GCS buckets. Configuration is similar to filesystem store:

  - name: "TABLE_NAME"
    uri: "gs://BUCKET/TABLE/KEY"
        format: "csv"

To configure GCS credentials, you can set the following environment variables if you are using service accont:

Azure Storage

ROAPI can build tables from datasets hosted in Azure Storage. Configuration is similar to filesystem store:

  - name: "TABLE_NAME"
    uri: "az://BUCKET/TABLE/KEY"
        format: "csv"

The supported url schemas are

  • abfs[s]://<container>/<path>
  • az://<container>/<path>
  • adl://<container>/<path>
  • azure://<container>/<path>

To configure Azure credentials, you can set the following environment variables:

  • AZURE_MSI_ENDPOINT / AZURE_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT: Endpoint to request a imds managed identity token
  • AZURE_OBJECT_ID: Object id for use with managed identity authentication
  • AZURE_MSI_RESOURCE_ID: Msi resource id for use with managed identity authentication
  • AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE: File containing token for Azure AD workload identity federation


Thanks to the connector-x Rust crate, ROAPI is able to load tables from popular relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

  - name: "table_foo"
    uri: "mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/database"
  - name: "table_bar"
    uri: "mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/database"
  - name: "table_baz"
    uri: "sqlite://path/to/sqlitelite/file"

With this, you can now write a single SQL query to join tables between MySQL, SQLite and local CSV files!

By default, ROAPI will use the provided table name as the table name to extract data from the database. If you want to expose a specific database table with a different name, you can use the option field to specify the original table name like below:

  - name: custom_table_name
    uri: "sqlite://path/to/sqlitelite/file"
      table: original_table_name
      format: sqlite

Postgres wire protocol

ROAPI uses the convergence Rust crate to read and write Postgres wire protocol. This means you will be able to query all tables loaded in ROAPI using any Postgres Clients as if ROAPI is a real Postgres database!

By default, ROAPI listens for Postgres traffic on address, but you can change it using the --addr-postgres command line argument or add the following to your config file:

  # binding address for TCP port that speaks Postgres wire protocol

Once ROAPI boots up, you can connect to it without authentication:

$ psql -h
psql (12.10 (Ubuntu 12.10-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 13)
WARNING: psql major version 12, server major version 13.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

houqp=> select 1;
(1 row)


See here for an example on how you can query data stored in a Google spreadsheet using the psql Postgres client.


Query frontends

ROAPI exposes a diverse set of interfaces through the HTTP protocol.


To query tables using a subset of standard SQL, send the query payload through POST request to /api/sql endpoint. This is the only query interface that supports table joins.

SQL query frontend is the more flexible and powerful compared to REST and GraphQL. It is the only query frontend that supports table joins.

SQL frontend supports [""] operator for accessing struct fields and array element. For example struct_col["key1"]["key2"] or array_col[0].


Query tables through REST API by sending GET requests to /api/tables/{table_name}. Query operators are specified as query params.

REST query frontend currently supports the following query operators:

  • columns
  • sort
  • limit
  • filter

To sort column col1 in ascending order and col2 in descending order, set query param to: sort=col1,-col2.

To find all rows with col1 equal to string 'foo', set query param to: filter[col1]='foo'. You can also do basic comparisons with filters, for example predicate 0 <= col2 < 5 can be expressed as filter[col2]gte=0&filter[col2]lt=5.


To query tables through GraphQL, send the query through POST request to /api/graphql endpoint.

GraphQL query frontend supports the same set of operators supported by REST query frontend. Here how is you can apply various operators in a query:

        filter: {
            col1: false
            col2: { gteq: 4, lt: 1000 }
        sort: [
            { field: "col2", order: "desc" }
            { field: "col3" }
        limit: 100
    ) {

Key value lookup

Query key value stores through REST API by sending GET requests to /api/kv/{kv_name}/{key}.

For example, the kvstore defined in the sample config can be queried like below:

$ curl -v localhost:8080/api/kv/spacex_launch_name/600f9a8d8f798e2a4d5f979e
Starlink-21 (v1.0)%


Get schemas for all tables:

curl localhost:8080/api/schema

Get schema for a specific table by name:

curl localhost:8080/api/schema/{TABLE_NAME}

Response serialization

By default, ROAPI encodes responses in JSON format, but you can request different encodings by specifying the ACCEPT header:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'ACCEPT: application/' \
    -d "SELECT launch_library_id FROM spacex_launches WHERE launch_library_id IS NOT NULL" \

ROAPI currently supports the following serialization formats:

  • application/json
  • application/csv
  • application/vnd.apache.arrow.file
  • application/
  • application/parquet