When a table uri ends in .json, ROAPI will try to load it as JSON table if no format option is specified:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"

Filter by JSON pointer

Sometimes the JSON array you want to serve might be stored inside a JSON object. To support this use-case, ROAPI supports loading JSON using a JSON pointer.

Take the following JSON data as an example:

    "x": {
        "y": [{"col1": "z"}, {"col1": "zz"}]

In order to only serve [{"col1": "z"}, {"col1": "zz"}] through ROAPI, you can configure the JSON table source as:

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"
      format: "json"
      pointer: "/x/y"

Array encoding

Each row in JSON data can be encoded using array for size reduction. This convention allows us to avoid repeating column names in every row.

For example:

    {"col1": 1, "col2": "abc"},
    {"col1": 2, "col2": "efg"}

Can be stored as:

    [1, "abc"],
    [2, "efg"]

However, when loading JSON rows using array encoding, you must explicitly specify the schema, since there is no column name in the datasource anymore for ROAPI to perform the schema inference.

  - name: "mytable"
    uri: "http://mytable.json"
      format: "json"
      array_encoded: true
        - name: "col1"
          data_type: "Int64"
        - name: "col2"
          data_type: "Utf8"